Are you ready to flourish your Travel & Wellness brand?

Authentic Copywriting

for websites, email newsletters and social media

Enrich your brand credibility

Copywriting is the art of words. So, how engaging are the conversations with your loyally established and new potential clients and customers? Customized email newsletters are an essential way to connect with your audience.

Grow your customer conversions

Create a streamline way for your ideal clients and customers to find you by increasing your online visibility with engaging websites that are written with tailored SEO (search engine optimized) copywriting and keywords.

Free up your time

Your artistry and life’s sweet moments outside of work deserve your creativity. By delegating the writing woes on your marketing streams to your copywriting specialist, you gain time back to create the experiences that allow you to thrive.

Here you are dedicated to enriching your customers quality of life.

Your services are deeply supportive, they inspire both subtle and great transformations. You reconnect people back to their own sacred existence, improving meaningful aspects in their life. You thrive from creating wondrous impacts and deserve to also flourish the business side of your unique craft.

So let’s talk about what needs synchronization. Have your email newsletters been in limbo? Does your website need a solid refresh? Are your brand’s social media updates at the mercy of your ‘free time’? If you’re feeling the time crunch of getting your business running optimally, well…

Ready to give yourself the same intentional support you wholeheartedly give to your clients?

Let’s bring it full circle.

Collaborating with a copywriter, I help you grow your business by getting the necessary logistics done so you can focus on the artistry you bring to your ideal clients who want YOUR offerings.

Hey Wellness Connoisseurs,

I’m Rachel, your craftswomen copywriter, helping you get those ideas you’ve had for months finally organized, and promptly delivered to your audience. What a relief! Deep breath…you don’t have to do it alone. I am here to help.

I’ve been rooted in the travel and wellness spaces as a licensed massage therapist, dancer, world traveler and copywriter. I am fascinated by the deep inquiry of personal development and love facilitating the many facets of wellness. Writing for authentic brands who are opening the door for others to embody their own unique well being, really lights me up. The transformations you facilitate for people are potent. They are the inspiration behind why I connect you and your audience via conscious copywriting. Working with me I research who your clients are, what their desires and pain points are, and how to speak directly to them.

So if you’re ready to refine the marketing of your service as you connect authentically and free up your time doing it, we can talk!

wellness copywriter


I eloquently write your…

  • Optimized SEO and keywords website pages to rank higher in search engine results so the people looking for you, actually find YOU! Clear organized pages telling your story, with calls to action to sign up, share email, book a call, book a service etc.

    starting @$600 for 5 pages

  • Human written automated email sequences, uniquely written to nurture your audience is everything. Enhance your customers experience by keeping in touch and getting them updated. Also did you know the ROI (return on investment) from email marketing can be anywhere from $35-45 back to you per $1 you spend!

    starting @$150 per email - minimum of 3

  • Mingle with your audience and give them a taste. Weekly vibrant social media posts are a way to connect, share your story, AND feed the digital algorithm so a wider audience will learn about you.

    starting @$50 each - minimum of 2

  • Share your story with more a wider audience by boosting your content or using Meta Ads. Customize depending on demographics, location, and interests. You also get live data analytics on which ads performs better, helping you understand your marketing and audience better.

    starting @$150 each - minimum of 3

  • Clear descriptive text showcasing your products features and benefits, making it easy for your customers to purchase.

    starting @$50 each description - 3 minimum

  • Online visibility for brick and mortar businesses to increase local and visiting foot traffic directly to your front door.

    @$65 for each google business profile

Don’t get lost in the sea of online wellness services. As you read this, people are wanting to connect with YOU!

the process

  • consultation

    We talk your business needs, vision and goals in depth and come up with a strategy in a 30 minute discovery call. If we decide to work together we start our onboarding.

  • onboarding

    I send you a proposal of what we discussed in our discovery call and a contract to sign. We set our delivery time frame and deadlines. When you pay the 50% down payment to secure your spot on the calendar, I get to work.

  • progress to completion

    Your first google doc draft is emailed to you. Any revisions you have are sent to me for refining. Two rounds of edits are included. You pay the remaining 50% when the final draft of the copy is emailed to you.

have questions? ask me here